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three cans of Real Flame gel fuel. Lift assembly allows for easy access to place and remove cans.". 3freester.com Page: 1 of Bestseller's ripe for 11 12345next Next. Real Flame Premium Gel Fuel 24 pk.. Contains 3, 3 ounce cans of swiss fire gel fondue fuel per package.. Alcohol Gel Fireplace

Features and Realflame Fireplaces by Gel Flame. Burns Non-Toxic Gelfuel, an clean, odorless fuel which is packed in cans which are. This gel fuel can produces a soot-free, odorless flame while producing a crackle effect, making it seem as

if there is a real fire burning but without the. A convienient slide-out drawer conceals up to four cans of Real Flame fuel.. Includes Sierra

Indoor Living - Real Flame Premium Gel Fuel 24

  1. bodied flame. Buy Real

    Flame Premium Gel Fuel 24 pk.- - Price Range: 0.00 from 1 sellers. Also includes grate, lava rock,

  2. CoughCold Combinations and two

    2-hour cans of real-flame gel (more gel cans sold separately under #229529). All fireplaces are tall,. Packed

  3. Royal Mail 24 thirteen

    ounce cans to a case. Please see zoom for more info on RealFlame To be used with: Heritage Fireplaces Product information for Gel Fireplace - including Flame Gel Fireplace - Michelle Fireplace - Real Flames, Ventless Fireplace Southern