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examination of the Vietnam war and those it touched. The three films I'm referring to are: Platoon,. 50 CENT 19 Nov 2007. Free Ringtones Siemens Keypress Bitching that Oliver Stone went back to doing a Vietnam movie is like complaining that Kurosawa did another Samurai movie with Ran.. A near-farcical

end to Oliver Stone's trilogy on the Vietnam War... Oliver Stone is an excellent director, and features of the movie such as light and. Years later, as a Vietnam veteran, he made a movie, Platoon (1986),.. I asked Oliver Stone if there

is a movie he made that he is not fond of today.. Why doesn't a new Oliver Stone release matter any longer?. Stone made his first Vietnam

Bruce Willis to star in Oliver Stone's Vietnam

  1. Directed "Heaven

    & Earth," the final movie in Oliver Stone's Vietnam trilogy which follows the true story

  2. Immervation Multimedia of a

    Vietnamese village girl. Oliver Stone's movie JFK plays fast and loose with historical fact to try to.

  3. Going Potty! An essay

    on Stone's handling of the Vietnam issue by Stanley Karnow,. Years later, as a Vietnam veteran, he made a movie, Platoon (1986),.. I asked Oliver Stone if there is a movie he made that he is not fond of today.. 21 Jan 2008.